
Restrict Access to WHM by IP

Restrict Access to WHM by IP

Hackers are getting smarter and sneakier and with the internet just getting more and more popular this means that the software that web hosts use are going to be more and more targeted. So today, I have decided that prevention is better than cure, and proceeded to...

Simple Abuse Monitoring Script in PHP for Cpanel

Simple Abuse Monitoring Script in PHP for Cpanel

One of the issues with Cpanel servers, especially if you offer shared hosting, is to monitor the load averages as well as processes and identify resource abuse. After having little luck in finding any decent monitoring scripts, especially ones which are easy to...

Stop and Disable Mailman on Cpanel

One of our shared servers was showing several thousand bounce messages in the mail queue all generated via a mailman user. So we decided to kill mailman permanently. However the recomended tweak of switching off Main >> Server Configuration >> Tweak...