Gosh. The last few days when I update a dns record or my cpanel system adds a dns record to my dns cluster I get the following errors:
Bind reloading on maggie using rndc zone: [somedomainname.com]
Bind reloading on ns1 using rndc zone: [somedomainname.com]
Bind reloading on ns1 using rndc
Error reloading bind on ns1: rndc: ‘reload’ failed: failure
Bind reloading on ns3 using rndc zone: [somedomainname.com]
Bind reloading on ns3 using rndc
Error reloading bind on ns3: rndc: ‘reload’ failed: failure
Bind reloading on ns4 using rndc zone: [somedomainname.com]
Bind reloading on ns4 using rndc
Error reloading bind on ns4: rndc: ‘reload’ failed: failure
Bind reloading on ns2 using rndc zone: [somedomainname.com]
Bind reloading on ns2 using rndc: rndc: ‘reload’ failed: failure
Error reloading bind on ns2: rndc: ‘reload’ failed: failure
To cut a long story short I will tell you the direct cause of the issue and the quick steps to resolve it as I looked everywhere for a solution and spent days asking around if anyone else had the same issue.
My dns cluster consists of 4 x Cpanel DNS ONLY servers so I logged into ns1 and ran this command: /etc/init.d/named restart. This gave me the following error in ssh:
Error in named configuration:
/etc/named.conf:10693: zone ‘someotherdomainname.com’: already exists previous definition: /etc/named.conf:8581
/etc/named.conf:23122: zone ‘someotherdomainname.com’: already exists previous definition: /etc/named.conf:21010
AH HA! Looks like there was a duplicate record in the /etc/named.conf
I opened up /etc/named.conf on ns1 and commented out the duplicate entry like so.
Then I went back to the main cpanel server and tried to update a dns record and did not get any errors which was a good sign!
I then did the same with ns2 + ns3 + ns4 and everything was back to normal again.
I do not know what caused this duplication issue but the above solution worked for me and I hope it saves someone else hours of troubleshooting.