I have some windows vps servers and when they are restarted I want to receive an email when they do, just so that I know what's going on. After some searching I found a great, free little utility called mailsend.exe mailsend is not fancy and can only be run through...
Auto Reboot Windows 7 Enterprise Every X Hours
I am running a bunch of vps servers which run Windows 7 Enterprise in order to run certain automated marketing software. However, I am noticing after a few hours, the cpu gets a bit high so want to auto reboot the vps's every 4 hours in order that the software runs on...
[solved] Gravity Forms with Javascript Validation
Gravity Forms (www.gravityforms.com), without a doubt is one of the best WordPress forms plugin out there, I have been using it since it was launched and is a brilliant tool and I have it in use on literally hundreds of web sites. However, recently I have had the need...
[solved] How to Delete Plesk Backups
The following command can be used to delete all the backup files in a plesk server. cd /var/lib/psa/dumps/ rm -rf * When might you need to do this? You might find that your disk runs out of space due to the many automated plesk backups that are run and when you check...
[solved] Changing Field Labels in Gravity Forms with gform_pre_render
I have taken on a wordpress project recently which required me to change the language of the text in the field labels on some gravity forms. The site is in one language, but within wordpress they have the option to show certain pages in a different language, for...
[Solved] Force Amazon S3 File to Download instead of opening in browser
I was given a 47mb pdf to host on Amazon S3. I uploaded the file and grabbed the web url (the direct link to the file) yet when I was clicking it was forcing me to OPEN the file in my web browser. The result being that it takes longer to download and ties up your...
Alternative Method of Running a task in wordpress every X seconds
Sometimes I find it cumbersome to use the cpanel cron and I am not a massive fan of the wordpress cron, so I have devised a little bit of php code which allows me to run a script which is called through the wordpress footer. So for example if you have a script which...
[Solved] Make Task Rocket send an email when a task is completed
Task Rocket (taskrocket.info) is a great tool but its missing one major feature which i hope the developers will take into consideration in future releases. When a member of the team completes a task, it DOES NOT send me an email telling me the task is completed so I...
[Solved] Issue with Task Rocket and Jquery using SSL
I have decided to take the plunge and start to using Task Rocket (taskrocket.info) as a tasks system for the people I work with with. Its a pretty nice theme which site on wordpress and so far pretty happy with it. However, I installed it on my server the other day...
Backdoor WordPress Login Script
I have created this script to allow me to quickly login to clients wordpress installs after they have royally messed things up. For example, some clients have changed their admin password and dont know which email account they have used, so this script allows me to...