2 Ways You Can Attract Targeted Website Traffic for Free

December 7, 2008

Before even aiming to attract anyone, you have to know who you want your website to talk to and what your website wants to say. Focus is key to setting yourself apart from your competitors and attracting the correct target market.

Website optimization begins with focus, followed by content generation, and ends with execution. Now that you have a focused marketing and communications plan, you can now create or source content and choose which internet medium to execute with.

Using you niche as a springboard, figure out how they search for websites related to your focus. This way, you can nail down 5-6 keywords that your site’s content should optimize for. Once you have the keywords down, it’s time to select a publishing medium.

You don’t have to blow off your entire marketing budget just for website optimization. There are cost effective ways to publish optimized content. Keep the rest of your budget for offline marketing efforts that are in line with your online effort.

Below are 2 ways you can direct optimized content to your niche for free.

1. Publish articles in article websites
One of the best ways to market your website is through writing articles. Your articles should speak the language of your niche and talk about your product or service in relevant terms. This means that the best articles are not product-centric. Think about it this way: you wouldn’t have a second date with someone who can’t stop talking about himself or herself all night. The same applies to your brand. Talk to your niche about their needs and then touch a bit on how you can help make their lives better and happier. Get a second date!

After writing a fantastic article, it’s time to place them in article websites. Users who search with the keywords that you are properly optimized for will find your article. Different article sits have different terms so make sure you read before you submit. The best ones are those that allow you to use your articles to link back to your website.

2. Create your own blog or microblog

Although website articles are helpful, it is still better to eventually get your own blog. WordPress is a good choice. It is easy to use and links are easy to organize. You can turn your blog into one of your website’s pages so that visitors only remember one URL.

Again, make sure your articles are of quality and optimized for niche keywords. Regularly updating your blog is equally important. Updates tell your market that you constantly care about their needs and that they are as valuable as the product or service you are offering. Moreover, updates give them a reason to visit your site regularly.

Ideally, updates should be made at least once a week. Better if you can post an article every day. If the writing load becomes too tedious for you, you can outsource your articles to good writers. You must make sure that your writers know what they’re talking about and who they are talking to.